Agent Olga vs. The Double Agent – Karate short movie
Julia and Olga are fellow government agents and Julia is going to Olga’s apartment under the pretense that she and Olga will be practicing karate. But Julia is really a double agent and is going to Olga’s to steal secret documents that Olga has acquired during her last mission. You will get 5:56min 1080HD video.
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Female Sniper Interrogation – Short Movie (Full)
This movie is free, but if you want to support us, you can buy additional fight scenes, requested by our customers, including alternative death scene of the first soldier, split punch and final scene, filmed under different angle with slow motion. You will get 1080HD main movie itself plus 00:46min additional fight scenes, 01:03min behind the stage video and photoset with 20 pictures.
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Business Woman Beatdown
This is custom ordered scenario. Boxing and karate thugs beating up business woman. You will get 3:23min 1080HD video, 0:25 benind the scenes video and photoset with 15 pictures.
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Olga selfdefense action, kicking and punching techniques
You will get 4:29min 1080HD video including more footage of solo performance in GI suit, additional scenes with attacker, 01:07min “Behind the scenes” video and photoset with 30 pictures.
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Bikini outfit karate selfdefense
This is custom ordered scenario. You will get 4:06min 1080HD video, 0:31min extended faceslap kicks scene and photoset with 35 pictures.
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